EVOD (MT3) Clearomizer
2013 newest Clearomizer!!
2013 newest Clearomizer!!
Bottom coil cartomizers provide a nice warm vapor, with a superb clean flavor, and reduced wicking issues.
Unlike other Clearomizers, the mouthpiece of the EVOD is permanently attached and it is filled from the bottom. This two-piece design is a major advantage over other tanks with replaceable atomizer heads. If the EVOD atomizer head fails unexpectedly and the tank is filled with eLiquid, the atomizer head (base) can be easily replaced without the need to drain the e-Liquid in the tank first.
The Clearomizer is filled by simply turning the tank upside down, unscrew the bottom cap, add e-liquid (straight from the bottle) to the fill level (top of the inner metal tube) and replace the cap.